We know Hari Raya Aidilfitri as a festive occasion filled with the warmth of family gatherings coupled with snacking of traditional delicacies. From mindful snacking on-the-go during travels back to your kampung, to making conscious dietary choices for Hari Raya feasts, and even spreading joy through gifting wholesome treats, let All Kurma Malaysia guide you towards healthier snack choices this Raya.
Travelling Back to Kampung? Snack Healthy On-The-Go!
Comfort is key for enjoyable road trips, especially during the bustling Raya season where there may be heavy traffic. Dress comfortably and pack essentials like water, a cosy blanket, and pillow to sit in the car comfortably for long hours. Don't forget to bring lots of water and stock up on nutritious snacks like dates, dried fruits, and nuts to stay energised and satisfied throughout your journey. With All Kurma's convenient on-the-go snack packs, it will make your balik kampung trip more enjoyable and comfortable.
Healthier Diet for Hari Raya
Hari Raya is a time to enjoy delicious food with loved ones. However, it's important to remember that overindulging in rich and fatty foods can be harmful to your health, especially after a month of fasting. To celebrate Hari Raya in a healthier way, here are some tips:
Moderation is key: Savour small portions of your favourite foods and avoid overindulgence.
Choose healthier options: Consider swapping out sugary or fried foods for healthier options like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
Don't skip meals: Skipping meals to save room for treats is not recommended, as it can lead to overeating later in the day.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help keep you hydrated and reduce the risk of overeating
If you are hosting, why not provide your guests with healthier food choices? Choose grilled or baked dishes instead of fried foods, and choose whole grains such as brown rice or quinoa over refined grains like white rice. Also, use healthier cooking oils like olive oil or coconut oil. You can even make your own Hari Raya snack platter using All Kurma’s dates, dried fruits and nuts.
Spread Happiness This Hari Raya By Gifting Healthy Snacks
Hari Raya is a cherished occasion for celebration, bringing together family, friends, and loved ones. Why not spread happiness and elevate the festive spirit by gifting your dear ones something delicious and healthy? Show your appreciation to employees or clients by pampering them with our range of wholesome and delightful snacks. We have a wide assortment of dates, dried fruits and nuts snack packs which are ideal for corporate or wholesale gifting as well. Moreover, we offer fully customisable gift packaging options. For further details on corporate or wholesale orders, enquire with us now!
All Kurma is dedicated to helping the Muslim community live healthier and happier with high-quality snacks and superfoods at affordable prices. Shop our products now!